Annotate event names to event length, seq and GC.
Annotate event names to event length, seq and GC.
- se
an object of class NxtSE.
- event_names
a character vector denoting valid event names.
- org
a character string "hs" or "mm".
- prefix
a character string, usually "chr", to append in the chromosome names. This is useful when event names are without "chr" prefix while BSgenome contains "chr".
se <- SpliceWiz::SpliceWiz_example_NxtSE(novelSplicing = TRUE)
SpliceWiz::colData(se)$treatment <- rep(c("A", "B"), each = 3)
SpliceWiz::colData(se)$replicate <- rep(c("P","Q","R"), 2)
res <- run_ase_diff_analysis(x = se, test_factor = "treatment", test_nom = "A" ,test_denom = "B", IRmode ="annotated", cutoff_lfc = 0.6, cutoff_pval = 1, regul_based_upon = 1)
#> Mar 29 14:34:04 Performing edgeR contrast for included / excluded counts separately
#> Mar 29 14:34:05 Performing edgeR contrast for included / excluded counts together
q_events <- get_ASE_by_regulation(res, sample_comparisons = "A_VS_B",regulation = "both") %>% names()
get_event_annotations(se = se, event_names = q_events)
#> Warning: seqlevel chrZ is not present in the BSgenome. ASE belongs to this level will be
#> discarded.
#> Error in parcutils:::.map_granges_metadata(., bs_genome_object = bsg): No ASE have common seqlevels with bs_genome_object.